Using CSS flex to create a sticky footer


Flex is a new way to solve many layout problems in CSS. Chris has written an excellent guide to using flex on, be sure to check that out.

As with most nice CSS features, they are not supported in older versions of Internet Explorer. Other modern browsers have had support for flex for a long time.

One of the common problems that flex can solve is making a footer stick to the bottom of the page when there is little content on the page and keeping it below the content when there's a lot of it. This is surprisingly easy. Have a look at the source of this page and the CSS stylesheet.

The sticky footer

Creating a basic page with a sticky footer using flex requires three things:

  • A container element with the following style properties set:
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    height: 100%;
  • A child of the container element that will contain the page content with:
    flex: 1 0 auto;
  • The footer (and any other elements that should not resize like the header), also as a child of the container element with:
    flex: 0 0 auto;

display: flex; enables the flex functionality for the container element, flex-direction: column; makes sure that the children of the flex-container are laid out vertically instead of horizontally (which is the default). height: 100%; ensures that the container takes up all the space in the parent element. In the case of a full page that means you also need to set the height of html and body element to 100% or the container will not fill the entire page.

flex: 1 0 auto; on the content container will allow that container to grow when space is left over but will not allow it to shrink. flex: 0 0 auto; on the footer and other elements makes sure that those elements do not get resized.

See how the footer reacts with more content on the page. And with less content.